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Moving Day

Clean your house as much as you can before the moving van arrives. Search every room, closet and around the house before the moving van arrives for any forgotten items.

Work with the movers and be on hand when the movers arrive. If you are not able to be present while the movers are there, designate a friend or family member to help out and make decisions in your absence. Let your moving agent know to whom you have given the authority. Be sure that your chosen representative knows the details of the moving plans and quote, as they may be asked to sign for charges.

Provide your moving agent with your new phone number and all other phone numbers where you can be reached while shipment is in transit. Make sure to take along the destination agent's name, address and telephone number.

Provide the van driver with clear directions to your new home.

Review all paper work and details when the van operator arrives. Accompany the driver as he or she inspects each piece of furniture with tags of identifying number. These numbers along with a detailed description of your goods at the time of loading will appear on the inventory.

Stay home until the last item is packed into the van. Make a final inspection before the van operator leaves. Check the mover's inventory and make sure you agree with any notations about the condition of your furnishings. Take pictures if necessary. Leave your phone connected throughout moving day. After the movers leave, pack your phone in one of your suitcases for easy access when you arrive to your new home.